Home to an elite of experts and promising potentials
National Olympic Committee Youths Council Launched

- Developing state-of-the-art and innovative methods and ideas presented by the youth
- Promoting and furthering the strategies, values, and objectives of the National Olympic Committee
- Bolstering the engagement of the local youth community in the sports sector
Driven by the directives of the farseeing leadership on the importance of empowering the youths and upgrading their knowledge and capabilities in all sectors, and going in line with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum President of the National Olympic Committee, the committee has adopted the establishment of "The National Olympic Committee Youths Council", which includes the best experts and the most ambitious youths with such creative visions and innovative ideas furthering the UAE sport towards enhancing the concept of Olympic culture the noble principles, foundations and values benefiting the whole society.
The council complies with youths councils' structures, consisting of 9 members representing the age group of 18-35 years, with aim to apply and develop new and innovative methods and ideas produced by the youths. The council also promotes the Olympic and sports culture among all segments of society, introducing and promoting the values and foundations of the National Olympic Committee based on the values of the International Olympic Committee. The council also addresses the youths' community in the United Arab Emirates and maintains such continuous communication with them, in addition to preparing various ideas and initiatives, and integrating them with the activities and programs of the National Olympic Committee.
The National Olympic Committee Youths Council includes Rashid Muhammad Abdullah, Ahmed Ali Al Mazmi, Sultan Al Mazmi, Muhammad Hassan Al Marawi, Majd Muhammad Al Balushi, Kholoud Al Hosani, Majid Sultan Al Mansouri, Ali Jaber Al Marzouqi, and Sheikha Al Kaabi.
Among the National Olympic Committee Youths Council's tasks are promoting and furthering the strategies, values and objectives of the National Olympic Committee with the local youths' community, promoting and spreading the values of the National Olympic Movement in society, bolstering the engagement of the local youths' community in the sports sector, as well as supporting the social responsibility initiatives of the National Olympic Committee, and bringing the Emirati Youths' views and opinions on sports issues to the National Olympic Committee.
His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi First Vice President of the National Olympic Committee and Head of the Executive Office considered the launch of the National Olympic Committee Youths Council as a driving step towards integrating the young people in the fields of Olympic work and benefiting from their passion and enthusiasm for development and continued learning, thanks to their diverse experiences and knowledge, in addition to their willingness to provide innovative solutions and initiatives towards advancing the national Olympic movement
His Excellency appreciated the vision of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his efforts to attract young people to the Olympic work and to set such appropriate frameworks going in line with the their creative ambitious ideas and suggestions appreciated by the National Olympic Committee. His Excellency also referred to various initiatives and programs which can benefit from the energies and potentials of such young people who have joined the council, which includes promising youths of both sexes with competences in their workplaces and sports as well.